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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms like Psilocybin?

The primary active chemicals known in Amanita Muscaria are Ibotenic acid, Muscimol, Muscazone, and Muscarine.  Muscimol interacts with the brain’s GABAergic system and studies have illuminated a potential role for this compound in treating pain, inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, cognitive decline and even cancer.

What is the difference between Amanita Muscaria, Amanita Pantherina and Amanita Regalis?

Amanita Muscaria, also known as fly agaric is the quintessential bright red mushroom with white warts depicted in fairy tales and folklore. It is mildly to moderately psychoactive. The two main compounds responsible for for the psychoactive effects are ibotenic acid and muscimol. Muscimol is GABAergic. This means that it imitates the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and interacts with the brain’s GABA receptors.  Ibotenic acid favors the neurotransmitter glutamate and connects with the brain’s glutamate receptors.  They grow in forests all over the world having a relationship with birch and pine.

Amanita Pantherina is a dark to light brown or tannish brown mushroom with white or cream warts. It is moderately to highly psychoactive. Because it has the two main compounds ibotenic acid and muscimol, it also interacts with the brain’s GABA and glutamate receptors.  However, pantherina is a more potent amanita strain than muscaria.

Amanita Regalis also known as the Royal Fly Agaric is a golden to nut brown mushroom with cream, yellow or grayish warts.  It is moderately to highly psychoactive. It also has the two main compounds ibotenic acid and muscimol and therefore interacts with the brain’s GABA and glutamate receptors. Regalis is a rare mushroom speculated to be at least 3 times as strong as amanita muscaria. 

What are some excellent resources to learn about Amanita?

A great place to start is the book “Fly Agaric, A Compendium of History, Pharmacology, Mythology, and Exploration by Kevin Feeney
For a personal testimony seek out Amanita Dreamer on Youtube or
Amanita has now been added to the natural health products ingredients database in Canada:

Psyched Wellness Announces That the Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Has Been Successfully Added to the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database (NHPID) of Canada

Psyched Wellness provides update on anti inflammatory study with the national research council of Canada.